This past Friday Ella and I stopped at one of my old stomping grounds after my Friday routine allergy shot. We went to TJ Maxx to kill time and browse. TJ Maxx and Marshalls were once regulars destinations on my shopping excursions. I have memories of purchasing bags and bags of clothes at these places when I was in middle school. I found it somewhat satisfying to scour all the racks, searching for undiscovered and cheap articles of clothing. But, I have not been to the Maxx or Marshalls in ages.
Ella and I were just looking~ looking for anything. We looked at pocketbooks and there were plenty I likes, but I am not in the market for a new purse. We looked at dresses and we looked at shoes. Then we went to the housewares section and I have never had much luck there, but we stumbled upon the most perfect tablecloths for Ella's first birthday party! They were basically made for us and really should have had a red neon arrow leading to them. The theme of her party will be elephants and I have been knee deep in party organizing for months. Does that surprise you? Well, it shouldn't!
Anyways, Ella and I scored two of these purty tablecloths and I heart them!
Very cute, but not as cute as Bunny Ella....