WaitingElla was due on Tuesday, May 19 and my last day of work was Friday, May 15. I thought we might go early since I was so big and baby seemed so ready. The 19th came and went. So did the 20. Our doctor let us schedule an induction for the 22 since it was complicated with Ryan's job. However, it was Memorial Day weekend and even though we had an induction, we were not a priority. They called to tell us not to come in until further notice, which they assured me would be sometime that day. Time passed and passed. I was anxious beyond belief. I wanted to meet my baby and see who this little person was. I called the hospital after some time thinking they have forgotten about us, but, nope. There were no beds available. Perhaps they would call in the middle of the night. So, Ryan and I went on a dinner date with our friends, Rick and Michelle, to Thai Food. We thought the spice would help and getting out of the house would make time pass faster.
We went to bed expecting a call in the middle of the night. I woke several times anticipating the call. No luck. Come Saturday morning I was frustrated beyond belief. Still no beds. Still no appointment. Rather than go stir crazy at home, Ryan and I went out to lunch at a local Mexican Restaurant then went to walk around the Rhododendron Gardens. Mind you, I was HUGE. My feet were swollen and I had gained like 50 pounds. I could not walk far. But, it was a way to kill time until Brett's birthday party BBQ later that evening.
ProgressThe party was a great distraction. I kept looking at my phone expecting a call, but I knew it was not going to come. At one point while fixing my plate, I felt a little wetness and went to check in the bathroom. I must have lost a piece of my mucus plug or something, but I was feeling fine. Sometime around cake time, my back started bothering me. I knew this was the onset. We left the party around 8 so I could get some rest.
Go HomeLike usual, I had no trouble going to sleep. However, at one am I awoke with pretty intense contractions. We left for the hospital. I was dilated to a 4 and they kept us for a few hours. I believe I drank a Sprite and then they sent us home. The nurse explained that it could still be days. Days? WTF? Ryan and I were embarrassed.
Once we arrived home, Ryan hit the hay and fell asleep within moments. I tried to lie down, and I must have but then I get really uncomfortable. I took a bath. Then I took a shower. I bounced on my ball. I leaned over my bar stool. I "slept" on the couch. I watched the sprinklers come on at 5:30. Nothing was making me feel better.
Are You SURE?Less than 90 minutes after arriving home, I woke Ryan. I was IN PAIN. Like in scream pain. I had back labor and it was not pretty. Ryan tried to talk me out of going to the hospital thinking, " We JUST left. If this is not it, we will feel like complete idiots." I assured him that yes, it was time.
On the way out the door, I grabbed a banana and good think I did, it would be the only think I ate until 8 PM (when I wolfed down a grilled cheese sandwich and pizza). It was 6 am. When we arrived back at the hospital (and it seemed like we were JUST there), I was placed into a shared room. By now, my back labor was intense. Ryan pressed firmly on my lower back to compound the pressure. The poor family next to us was preparing for a c-section. I could hear them choosing their lunch in the triage cubicle next door. Meanwhile, I was screaming in pain. Ryan, bless his heart, was trying to talk me through it. I told him to not talk and just push against my back. Finally, I was looked at by a resident who said I would be admitted. I wanted to kiss him because it was taking so long. I was in agony.
Get this Lady a RoomAfter I was admitted and before I signed any paperwork, the anethseilogist administered my epidural. I proclaimed her to be my best friend. Mind you, I was going to do this naturally. Boy, how that changed! Ryan jokes about my handwriting as the epi took effect. It was a miracle. Anyways, everything was so fast and furious that the nurse proclaimed that I would have baby before lunch.
Time came and time passed. Our support team was camped out in the waiting room for hours. And hours. Although I was dilated, she was still really high and not lowering in the birth canal. They said I could push or I could wait and have my body do it naturally. I chose to wait.
Baby GirlFinally, at 3 pm, I started to push. I was not a good pusher. I kept having the nurse show me. Time passed and passed. I kept pushing. I fell asleep between contractions so much so that I would snore. I ate ice chips up the wazoo and threw up on Ryan three times. Ryan was great. I tried to set a goal for a time like a race. 4:30. And then 4:30 came and went. Baby was still nowhere in sight. I began to spark a fever. Talks about a c-section began, luckily the head was in view within minutes. Finally, at 6:15 the doctor caught our precious baby GIRL. And as soon as the doctor announced that we had a girl, I literally saw Ryan melt.
Battle WoundsI pushed for 3 hours and 15 minutes during that time poor Ella met my tailbone. In fact, she broke it (I self diagnosed this with doctor confirmation). I literally could not walk. I needed help to get to the bathroom. I shimmed my feet in order to walk. I needed help to shower, pee, and my insides were raw. The entire time I was in the hospital, I only got up to use the bathroom. Ella had to be handed to me each and every time. I slept on the couch for the next week after arriving home. We were stuck inside for weeks. Ryan extended his leave and stayed home for 7 weeks. It was that hard to walk. But, all in all, without any hesitation, broken tailbone and all, Ella was SOOO worth it. I would do it 1000 times over for the sweet reward of my baby girl