Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pre-K First Day!

Just like that we are back in the grind.  E happily went off to school today sporting her new horse dress (very important detail, folks).  It is hard to believe that in six months I will be registering her for kindergarten.

According to Ella her day was good, good, good.  She is not one to divulge much information about school.  I literally have to pull it out with her by saying, "I will tell you 5 things about my morning and then you can tell me 5 things about your morning."  Plus I rely on friends who actually get info from their kids to know what is going on.  And I might be one of those parents that nicely chats up her teachers every. single. day.  (How bad is that?! I am a teacher myself!)

Anyways my 5 facts: 
1. I went to kickboxing today.  The choreography was very challenging for me.  But I burned close to 2000 fuel points in an hour (go me).  
2. Abby and I went to Crate & Barrel to buy a gift.  I love that store. 
3. I went looking for a cute shirt for family pictures.  I could not find anything that was less than an arm and a leg. 
4.  Abby and I shared a honey wheat bagel and fruit cup for lunch.  We also bought a baker's dozen of bagels from the bagel store because I was feeling guilty sending Ella to school with plain bagels in her lunch.  Plain bagels are not very crunchy.  
5.  We ran out of time and did not make it to Target.  As a result, I did not buy night diapers.  I will probably pay for it tonight. 

Ella's 5 facts:
1. I played with Eleanor. 
2. I sat with Ravenna. 
3. The vegetables were too spicy. I liked the carrots (although she only ate one). 
4.  Gabrielle was not at school.  Why was Gabrielle not at school? 
5. It was Whitney's birthday.  She is a boy.  (Neither one of these true... There was a birthday but it was for a boy and although I have never met Whitney, I am pretty sure she is a girl). 

Oh well, I will try again tomorrow.  Sigh. 


  1. I love this post! And you (and she) will love looking back at it over the years! :)

  2. Ella looks so excited to be going off to Pre-K!! Must be that cute horse dress....
