Sunday, January 17, 2010

My $0.02

Did you know that in order to live in Oregon you have to sign a waiver promising to breast feed and cloth diaper? Okay, okay. So that is not true, but many Oregonians do both. Lucky for us, breast feeding and cloth diapering have come a long way.  The decision to breast feed and cloth diaper was influenced by two of my favorite products: The Medela Pump In Style and BumGenius cloth diapers.

The Medela Pump In Style is a lifesaver.  All breast feeding moms need one.  Seriously.  I can remember my friend, Erin, telling me that if  there was ever a fire in her house and she could only save three things that she would save her son, her husband, and her Medela Pump.  I totally understand why and although it is pricey, it is well worth the cost.  Thanks Hawthorne Girls!

I am not quite sure why we decided to cloth diaper.  I am sure it is due to equal parts environmental, financial, and sensitive skin related concerns, but nonetheless, it is a decision I do not regret.  After all, these are not your mother's cloth diapers.  There are no pins to deal with, hardly any leaky diapers or blowouts, and I bet we have saved a pretty penny so far.  The up front cost is steep, but after you purchase your stash, you are good to go.  This brand, BUMGENIUS actually grows with the baby.  Ella has been wearing the same diapers since she was 8 weeks old.  Diapering just got a teeny bit trickier with the introduction to solid food, but a messy diaper is a messy diaper, cloth or disposable.  Neither are exactly 'pleasant' to deal with.

Believe or not, many of my friends and family have "fallen" for my waiver joke.  But, if that waiver were real, would you sign it?


  1. I would sign it. Breastfeeding is one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. I did it for almost 13 months and miss it still today....and I might go the cloth diaper route for baby #2..we'll see.

  2. Sadly, I didn't discover Medela In Style until baby #3, which is probably why I nursed him longer than the other two. Although, as wonderful is that sucker is (pun intended), it still didn't make a great third bag on my trips when I started flying again! :)
