Sunday, July 28, 2013

Missing Camera and Berry Picking

For a day I thought our camera was gone.  It was nowhere to be found.  I checked all the usual spots: each of my bags, the junk cabinet, sent out an e-mail, and even called the gym.  Man, I was bummed because I needed the camera to take pictures on our beach adventure.  In typical fashion, we were pulling out of the driveway when I screamed, "Wait!" and went inside to look for the camera.  It was then that I discovered it was lost somewhere in the great abyss.  I sulked the entire way to the beach.

And in typical me fashion I found the camera the next day, on the floor on my car, of all places.  It must have fallen out of my bag.  And so, although I could not find the camera to take to the beach, it was actually at the beach with us. Irony at its best.

Luckily I had our camera for berry picking the week before because I think these pictures are pretty darn cute.

I grew up picking berries on my grandparents' land in upstate NY.  Gram and Pa always had empty Cool Whip containers or such to toss the berries in.  We'd walk 3 minutes to the berry bushes and get to work. My Great Aunt Gertie would help too and she'd have her pants rolled up clam digger style.  I loved every minute of it.

Now, I must admit, we are new to the berry picking circuit in Oregon.  We drove 45 minutes to a local "Family Favorite Farm" (per the advertising) with hopes of pounds, and pounds of berries, tractor rides, and wholesome family fun.  We got the wholesome family fun part, but not much else.  In fact, we are so new to the berry picking circuit that we didn't even realize we should have brought berry containers. This farm had none.  Zero. Zip. Zilch.  Not even an empty Cool Whip container like Grandma and Pa.

One for me, one for you. 

Fred Meyer saved the day!  

Sunny blue skies. 

Family Favorite?  We were the only people there. 

Farm Girl 

Dandelion seeds. 


Stay away from MY berries or else.

I guess I learned two things this past week.  Take better care of the camera and always bring your own berry containers.  Living and learning!

1 comment:

  1. What gorgeous pictures of the girls!! And Gertie sure did love to go berry picking!! It was usually blackberry season when you were in Wells.
