Friday, September 21, 2012

Gymboree and First Haircut

Abby is now SIXTEEN months old!  I can't believe it.. Where has the time gone?

Anyways, I adore this age.  She is toddling and chatting and climbing and singing and playing in the toilet. Unfortunately, she really likes the toilet. Actually, I adore this age except for the whole toilet deal.  This morning she had the toilet brush.  Ewwww....

To satisfy her exploring and climbing gene, she attends Gymboree weekly.  Grandma and Pa thoughtfully signed her up for this class for her birthday knowing full well that climbing is in her blood.  After all, she is related to Uncle Brett!

However, Gymboree is a bit intimidating, especially with the new apparatus they are piloting.  So, Abby played it safe on her first day of class (three weeks ago).

She did a little climbing. 

Abby did A LOT of rocking. 

And she did a little jumping. 

In real time today Abby had her first hair cut.  She needed it, desperately.  I was hoping to grow out her bangs and hair for a cute little chin-length bob, but I caved.  Her hair was turning moppy and her bangs were constantly in her eyes. 

Before: shaggy, not cute hair. 

Abby was quite the trooper.  No tears and no fits. 

 Ella came for moral support. 

Viola! Pretty girl and now we can see her eyes. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the Abby stories and pictures! I'm so glad Owen hasn't discovered the toilet, but I'm constantly chasing him away from the dog bowls. :)
