Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sweet Spot

When it comes to bath times, we have finally hit the sweet spot!  This means I can bathe both the girls at one time and as you can imagine, this makes my life easier.  No longer do I need to balance one child in the tub while the other is crying/ whimpering/ needing me from their crib.  And no more do I feel like I spend all of my evening sitting on the bathroom floor (or cleaning up the kitchen, but that is a whole other post!).

Ella does like to help clean Abby.  Notice her hands.  She is sudsing them up.  A few weeks ago I tried to bathe the girls at the same time.  It was going well until Ella took a poof that was all soaped up and tried to clean Abby's eyes.  We took a break from shared baths after that, but luckily for Abby, Ella's reasoning skills have since improved.

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