Saturday, August 28, 2010

Report Card~ Summer To- DO List

Now that summer vacation is over, it is time for my Summer Report Card

The countdown is officially on! Well, to be honest with you, the countdown has been on for a long time, but now we are down to only F-O-U-R more days of school until SUMMER VACATION! And I am stoked. Students don't realize that teachers are just as excited, if not more excited about vacation than they are, this teacher especially.

With summer vacation lurking around the corner, I thought we should make a to-do list. After all, we want to make the most of summer!

1. Pick strawberries.  Never happened.  I did, however, EAT strawberries.  
2. Use the strawberries to make jam.  Nope.  No jam.  Although that might be a good thing.  Do you know how much sugar is in jam?  Because if I made the jam, then I would eat the jam and the jam would end up on my waist and that would be bad. 
3. Take early morning walk(s) Yes!  And I am going to try to keep this up when Ry is home before work.  We shall see. 
4. Play barefoot outside  Easy when your backyard is fake grass.  
5. Be a regular at the ZOO  We went weekly.  In fact, we went today.  Ella and I ROCKED the zoo. 
6. Blow bubbles with Ella  I blew bubbles AT Ella.  She was amused for .5 seconds. 
7. Find the best Farmer's Market We went to one Farmer's Markets several times.  Therefor, it won my "BEST FARMER'S MARKET AWARD". 
8. Hike at least 4 new- to- us trails  We failed miserably at this.  
9. Go on a picnic  Yes.  We had a picnic at the beach with Grandma and Grandpa.  Ella had her first hot dog. 
10. Attend at least one music in the park event  Nope and I am sad about this. 
11. Make s'mores on the beach  Does in a house ON the beach count? 
12. Take Ella on the train at Seaside Yuppers!  She actually went on twice~ once with me, and once with Uncle Brett, Grandma and her dad. 
13. Walk the water loop downtown  Yes, we even had pizza. 
14. Take Ella to the wading pool at the park Three times, although she is a little young for it. 
15. Drink sangria at happy hour With Jeff and Erica at Manzana
16. Find my cooking groove more than normal... just made baked ziti
17. Run for fun... (will this ever happen) once and it really was not fun
18. Go out for ice cream we are THE BEST at this...
19. Take Ella to Friendly's Sad.  I wanted her to have an upside down cone face.  We never made it there while in NY
20. Enjoy the sounds of the crickets Gosh, they are loud.  
21. Cook out  Of course. 
22. Visit OAKS Park  ANd rode the Merry-Go-Round with Daddy

PHEW! We have a lot to do this summer and I can't wait!

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