Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Read Me a Book, Round 2

Last year I set a lofty goal to read 52 books. Being a reading teacher I wanted to model reading to my students and catch up on the books I have been meaning to read. Before I had Ella I managed to read 18 books and I was right on track to reach my goal. Each book cover was copied and displayed on my classroom wall. I constantly spoke about my reading, encouraged book talks and made reading for pleasure a priority each school day. This created a reading frenzy in my classroom. However, I lost momentum when I went on leave and although I continued reading, I stopped charting my progress.

After reading one interesting book this year, I realized that I truly missed reading and that I need to create time to read. So, now I am ready for round two....

52 Books in 2010

1. Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko

2. Within Reach: My Everest Story by Mark Pfetzer and Jack Galvin

3. Love, Aubrey by Suzanne LaFLaur

So now that I am only 3 books deep, I need book suggestions. What are your favorite books?


  1. Man, I miss reading for pleasure... I love the idea of a 52 book goal, maybe I'll copy you- AFTER student teaching! :)

    As far as book suggestions... I'm so out of the loop, I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm going to be asking you for suggestions soon. :)

  2. Did you read The Glass Castle?Parents who basically let the children raise themselves, but writen in a very uplifting manner...

  3. I second Glass Castle.

    Also add The Help to your list.

    I'm going to join you in your quest.

    Except I'm going to strive for 26.

  4. I have read The Glass Castle. That was one of the 18 I managed to get through last year.

    Erin~ If you read some tween novels, like the 3 I have already read, 52 can be done!
