Thursday, January 7, 2010

Look At This Face...

Look hard.  Look really hard.   It is the face of an angel who woke her momma up three times last night!  THREE!  The day is coming.  She sealed her fate.  In one week, and the countdown is on just so I can mentally prepare; we are going to let her (although I am not sure LET is the best word to use) cry it out.

So I have seven nights to cherish the cuddling, the hugs, the look of relief when I enter the room.  I know she will do fine, but will I?


  1. Here is my unsolicited advice.

    We managed to avoid TRUE cry it out. I'm soooo glad because honestly I don't have the stomach for it.

    RIGHT around Ella's age, I stopped going in when Dylan woke up and INSTEAD always sent Craig in first ( no he didn't volunteer). He would comfort him and put him back to bed. After awhile, Dylan realized that the Mommy Restaurant was closed and stopped waking up!

    If he DID rouse we ONLY went in for all out screams. Not any fussing or wah wah wah. He now goes to bed at 6;30pm and wakes up at 7:00!

    I'm sure u get lots of advice but every baby is different. GOOD LUCK with your gorgeous baby girl!

  2. I'm thankful for this because I have been trying to formulate concrete examples of this strategy in order to present it to Ryan. I really don't think I can let her cry it out either and she it teething right now. Poor baby.

    How long did it take Dylan to realize that Craig would come in and not you?
